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“God led

me to Diana after I surrendered my battle with an alcohol addiction to Him. Diana is truly a blessing and a gift from God! She models what it means to live life as a Holy Spirit filled follower of Jesus. It is Diana's genuine desire to see people heal, grow in their faith, and accomplish their God given purpose in life. My life is forever changed by her Biblical guidance and how she has challenged me to seek God above all else.” J. H.

“I am

incredibly blessed to have crossed paths with Diana, she has been a beacon of light leading me closer to Jesus. With unwavering faith and wisdom, Diana has guided me through the twists and turns of life, always with the grace and compassion of someone truly filled with the Holy Spirit.

Her deep understanding of scripture and profound insight have been instrumental in helping me navigate challenges and find solace in God's plan for my life. Each session with Diana feels like a divine appointment.

Diana's genuine care and dedication shine through in every interaction, creating a safe and nurturing environment where healing and growth can flourish. I am continually amazed by her ability to speak truth into my life with gentleness and love, challenging me to deepen my relationship with the Lord and step into His calling for me.

I wholeheartedly recommend Diana to anyone seeking guidance and support on their faith journey. She is not just a counselor but a faithful servant of God, equipped with the wisdom and discernment to lead others closer to Him. May her ministry continue to touch hearts and transform lives for His glory.” K. D.

“I Started

seeing Diana for counseling when my marriage was in crisis. Shortly after, my husband decided to walk out and filed for divorce after 29 years of marriage.

Praise God that a friend from church had referred me to Diana. She was a lifeline to me. Diana not only helped me to navigate the devastating circumstances of a broken marriage, but she also made an incredible impact on just about every area of my life. 

With the love of God and the Word of God as the foundation of her counseling practice, she gave me tools to cope, and she showed me the way forward. Diana is a Book of Acts, Holy spirit-filled, anointed woman of God. You will learn so much from her.  Diana is kind, caring, and compassionate. She is the “salt of the earth.” Diana never waivers from the Word of God, or the leadings she receives from the Holy Spirit.

You will always know where she is coming from. She is a straight-shooter, and I really appreciated that about Diana. I would highly recommend Diana’s counseling services to anyone in a relationship crisis. She will be such a blessing to you.”S.K. 

“When I

began counseling with Diana two years ago, I was a broken shell who desperately needed to be ministered to because of a very painful trial. She encouraged me to trust God in every circumstance and provided tools to do that faithfully. Although I am not at the end of the trial completely, as there are still bumps in the road, I am healing and trusting God more each day.” N. B

“Diana has

gone above and beyond to help me and has facilitated my right-believing in Jesus. She, therefore, has enabled me to desire a more intimate relationship with Jesus that has increased my faith tremendously. 

Diana has been so much more than a counselor to me. She has been a friend, a bible teacher, and also a better "attorney" than any I've encountered. Thank you for all of these things. You are truly a gift of the Lord.”  D. D.

“From the

moment I got the initial call from Diana, I felt that I was in for a life-changing experience. Diana’s ability to listen and guide me through the Word of God had me confront a lot of areas of my life that needed improvement.

She spoke the Truth, and it was not always comfortable to hear. However, I was motivated to continue weekly meetings until I felt the strength to apply everything that I had learned into my daily life.

I highly recommend her services to anyone who is looking for a true change. She is very knowledgeable and will share many resources to bring you closer to God.” Y. R.

“Diana Emlet

is an amazing, experienced counselor with a solid Christian approach to her counseling. She is really good at helping align thought patterns and behaviors with the Word of God. She’s empathetic and will tell you what you really need to hear in order to attain a better version of yourself.” F. & S. A.


growth and true transformation ought to be part of the Christian life, but they are not automatic. Oftentimes, we get stuck going around (and around!) the same mountain or are paralyzed to move forward. If this is you and you want to be actually experiencing a life of freedom, peace, and joy in any circumstance that you know is yours in Christ, but feel somehow cut off from it, I highly recommend Diana!

I am literally not who I was when I began counseling with Diana! Of course, the Lord gets all the glory, but He has used Diana tremendously in my journey in 3 critical ways: being a compassionate witness, educating me in the ways the Kingdom of God works and how to enforce it in my life, and through truth-in-love challenge. 

From our first interaction, I felt cared for and loved, heard and understood. Back then I was full of insecurity, in a complicated marriage, and nearly paralyzed to change in some areas of my life. I was the type of person who wanted to find someone to just tell her what to do to fix it all! That’s not what I got with Diana!! She has truly listened with felt compassion and shown genuine interest in helping me live in Christ’s victory rather than in my own misery.

It’s obvious that Diana has “been with Jesus”, as the Bible says about the apostles. She comes to the sessions with years of experience and expertise coupled with having spent bountiful time in the presence of God, prepared to be his vessel. With her God-kind-of-love approach, she created an atmosphere of trust with me where I could be vulnerable enough to expose the painful layers and actually heal, not just put a band aid on problems and plow forward. It’s not been quick nor painless, but it has been a priceless journey of true transformation. Because of Diana’s warm encouragement and sage facilitation, my relationship with God has grown to a place where we have gone to the root of the patterns that had been causing me painful results in my life. 

In Diana, I found much more than a “therapist”; I found a kind companion and wise counselor for this Christian walk, full of humility, and who, by the Holy Spirit, seems to masterfully merge grace and truth. As a result of His grace and hard work too, I can say that I am experiencing true healing and more wholeness than ever in my life. It’s one thing to say you want to “Seek first the Kingdom of God”, but actually doing it is another. Through my work with Diana, it has become a practical thing I now know how to do and “all these things'' are really being added to me! And, I’m not afraid I will go backwards. I’m thrilled to unabashedly recommend her for anyone who wants to go deeper with Jesus!” — G. P.