Bread of Life

Biblical Counsel

& Studies

Diana Emlet

John 6:35

Jesus said to them, 'I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.'

Bringing Love and Compassion

I work in a unique calling as a Christian who has been educated to counsel, but counsels Biblically, filled with the Holy Spirit, relying on His anointing, His power and direction.

We meet informed by the Bible, with Holy Spirit’s guidance, resulting in increasing healing and wholeness for you so you can live in the freedom Jesus died to give you.

You will be encouraged to develop greater intimacy with The Counselor Himself, Holy Spirit, Who promises to lead us into all Truth.

My Approach

Holy Spirit-led Bible-based

Psalm 107:20

He sends forth His Word and heals them…

This counseling

is focused on keeping you running well as a Christ-centered person. He wants you well in soul and body! Then you can run your race for Him.

I assist people

to live life victoriously and joyfully in Christ. That is the will of our God using God’s wisdom from His Word with the flow and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Bible is our handbook for living life, and Jesus is the answer to every need.

Psalm 147:3

He is the healer of the broken hearted.

While I offer a unique service to the Christian body of born again believers, I welcome those seeking to know what a life in and for Christ is all about.

To Make an Appointment*


*Virtual appointments only at this time.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

From My Clients…

“Diana Emlet

is an amazing, experienced counselor with a solid Christian approach to her counseling. She is really good at helping align thought patterns and behaviors with the Word of God. She’s empathetic and will tell you what you really need to hear in order to attain a better version of yourself.” F. & S. A.

“My work

with Diana has enhanced my life journey greatly. She is an excellent listener and facilitator. Her support, understanding, and sense of timing promotes insight, clarity, and spiritual growth. I highly recommend engaging her expertise to gain personal awareness and deepen your walk with Christ.” J.P.